

Smoke and Soot Measurements

Smoke and soot measurements are conducted twice a year in compliance with anti-air pollution laws to measure the levels of dust, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrogen chloride. The Environmental Safety Center hires external specialists to measure the smoke and soot levels of the five boilers and one power generator at the university.

Drainage Measurements

Drainage measurements of the target substances that are listed in the sewage laws are conducted twice a year. There are a total of 13 emission points at Kumamoto University that empty into the sewage system, and the Environmental Safety Center measures the drainage output of these with the help of outside specialists.

Experiment Drainage Measurements

All drainage produced by research at Kumamoto University is first collected in a storage tank, and drainage is then released into the sewage system along with domestic wastewater. The Environmental Safety Center measures the pH levels of the storage tank twice a month.

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