
Drainage management at Kumamoto University

Since our university discharges drainage into the Kumamoto City sewerage system, it is necessary to comply with the Sewerage Law and the Kumamoto Prefecture Groundwater Conservation Ordinance. If we use chemical substances at our university, we have to notify the laboratory sink as a specified facility.
In addition, we have established the following drainage management practices for chemical substances at our university.

Drainage management system for chemical substances(from the National University Corporation Kumamoto University Chemical Substance Management Rules)

Director in Charge (Chairman of the Central Safety and Health Committee)
  • The person in overall charge of chemical substance management at the University (related to Article 5 of the Regulations)
  • In the event of a violation of the laws and regulations, etc., the university may order the general safety and Health manager and the heads of departments, etc. to suspend the use of the relevant work at the related facilities (related to Article 5 of the regulations).
Safety and Health General Manager
  • The person responsible for the management of chemical substances in the workplace (related to Article 5 of the Regulations)
  • In the event of a violation of laws and regulations, etc., the person may order the suspension of the use of the relevant work and related facilities (related to Article 5 of the Regulations).
  • When it is recognized that there is a possibility of environmental pollution caused by chemical substances, the head of each department, etc. may be ordered to take remedial measures, including the use suspension of chemical substances (related to Article 16 of the Regulations).
  • As the person in charge of chemical substance management in the department, etc., assist the safety and health General manager (related to Article 5 of the Regulations).
  • When ordered to take remedial action, the remedial action must be taken immediately (related to Article 16 of the Regulations).

Drainage Management Guidelines

Kumamoto University has prepared the following guidelines and other information regarding Drainage.

Drainage measurement

The Environmental Safety Center measures water quality in accordance with the Sewerage Law and also measures the pH of the experimental effluent storage tanks as a voluntary control. We also collect data from some of the pH meters in the experiment wastewater storage tanks of each building where chemicals are used via the campus LAN. The measurement results are only shared within the university.

pH management system for experiment wastewater storage tanks

Click on the image to see it in a larger size (PDF).



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